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EvE Premium Batch

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Quickly create your ownultra-fastpipeline for batch processing of up to 20 files. Use defaults or define specific parameters. It's your choice! Meet EvE, the first universal genetic adaptor that aligns, calls, annotates, converts and interprets almost any genetic data file to EvErything.

$399 per genome

Quickly create your own ultra-fast pipeline for batch processing of up to 20 files. Use defaults or define specific parameters. It's your choice!

Meet EvE, the first universal genetic adaptor that aligns, calls, annotates, converts and interprets almost any genetic data file to EvErything. EvE includes a straightforward user interface and powerful, dynamic parallel processing so that using your custom EvE pipeline is effortless and fast.


EvE Premium Batch now offers ultra-fast BWA and GATK powered by Microsoft Genomics

With EvE Premium Batch, you can create your own ultra-fast custom pipeline within seconds. For example, you can select BWA for alignment and SamTools for variant calling. Or you can select CutAdapt for pre-processing, BowTie2 for alignment, GATK for variant calling, SnpEff for annotation and ClinVar for interpretation with the output format being a TXT file in 23andMe format.

Once you select your pipeline, you can use defaults or easily modify almost any parameter. EvE Premium Batch will then run your batch in parallel through your custom pipeline using multithreaded cluster cloud-based processing. 

You no longer have to worry about whether your computer hardware and servers are powerful enough to process your data. With EvE, you also don't have to worry about bandwidth charges or obscure cloud computing fees. All you need is an internet connection (such as from a laptop or mobile device) and EvE will process your genetic data.


Need to process a larger number of sequencing files?

Contact us to discuss our Custom Bioinformatics Pipeline solutions that can process (primary, secondary and tertiary analysis) more than 250,000 genomes per month!

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