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Genetic Counseling

Developed by

Online genetic counseling for any DNA test results and genetic reports. Counseling all DNA tests including 23andMe, Ancestry, MyHeritage & genome sequencing.

$129 per genome

Genetic Counseling for DNA tests including 23andMe

Receive professional guidance from a genetic counselor

Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) is used to aid genetic counselors so they can most effectively answer your questions in any of the areas below.


Understanding Health RisksMedication ReactionsFamily PlanningGeneral Curiosity


60 days online chat with a licensed genetic counselor

✓ Discuss your DNA reports

✓ Get your DNA questions answered with up-to-date interpretations

 Ability to upload additional genetic testing reports (e.g. pdf reports)

 Discuss genetic testing options

 Use any device to securely chat with a genetic counselor including your desktop computer, tablet or phone



On Your Time

Discuss and get your questions answered from the comfort of your home or on the go.



Quick Responses

We guarantee a response from a genetic counselor within 48 hours.



Personalized and Up-to-Date

Artificial intelligence is utilized to aid and augment our genetic counselors to help ensure they are providing the most accurate information.

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Explore more of our health & wellness reports for your personalized guidance.

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Healthcare Pro

For professional use only. This app analyzes DNA data from any genetic test and provides a genetic health report designed for healthcare providers. Easy to use.
