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Enhanced Longevity

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Do you want to live longer? While this DNA report won't make you immortal, it will analyze your DNA and provide you with valuable insights designed to help increase your lifespan. Works with all DNA tests.

$59 per genome

Longevity DNA analysis report

Longevity DNA Wellness Report

This report analyzes your DNA and explains the influence that your genes have in determining your lifespan. The report also provides insights and guidance that help you to make decisions for your health with a focus on increasing your life expectancy.

In each section of the report, we introduce a number of key genetic markers based on the latest scientific studies. These individual genetic variations ("SNPs") have been associated with a variety of factors that are known to influence longevity in some way

Next, we'll take a look at your personal genotype file, and create a comprehensive summary based on what your genetic makeup has to say about each individual factor. This allows you to get an overview of what your unique genetics may mean for various aspects of your current and long-term health. Using this analysis, we finish each section of this report by homing in on specific genetic variants that you may be able to potentially improve upon in some way.

After briefly explaining the role that each genetic factor plays in your health, we'll provide useful tips and suggestions to help you improve your life expectancy — including personalized dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations!

Lastly, at the end of the report, we’ll gather together all the personalized recommendations made to you based on your genetic variants, and rank them all based on how important each one may be to your overall health as a whole.


Longevity Topics Covered

The Longevity genetic report is divided into 5 sections

  • ​Oxidative Stress
  • Inflammation
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Cell Growth
  • DNA Repair

Each section discusses the genes involved with the topic, your unique genetic results, and personalized recommendations based on your genes. 


Sample DNA Report Pages


Stay Up-To-Date On DNA Discoveries

The new Sequencing Education Center is your resource for learning about the latest genetic research that may impact your DNA. The Education Center includes articles about advancements in genomics, personalized medicine, and even genetic genealogy. For example, the Education Center includes articles about how your DNA impacts your risk for medication side effects. New articles are added every week!

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